DAY 8, LEG 44 - Everett to Reno
Unfortunately our stop in Everett didn't allow us any time to visit the Boeing assembly line because it was time to head south to Reno. The city is a popular visiting spot for tourists from California and hosts a large number of casinos as well as being one of a few remaining air racing venues. It is also a sister city of Yellowknife, where we started our day.
Climbing away from Paine Field.
Downtown Seattle. Just visible is the Qwest Field stadium, home of the Seattle Seahawks NFL team.
Seattle International Airport and Mount Ranier.
Turning overhead Seattle Airport.
Reaching our cruising altitude as we pass Mount Ranier.
A step back into the cabin for a better view of Mount Ranier.
Mount St Helens, north-east of Portland, Oregon.
Crossing the Columbia River into Oregon.
Being overtaken by a Jet Blue Airbus from Seattle to Long Beach, California.
Taxi into Reno GA parking area.
KPAE - KRNO stats
Take off time: 1009
Landing time: 1206
Flight time: 01:57
Fuel used: 858kg / 1888 lbs