DAY 7, LEG 41 - Resolute Bay to Yellowknife
This will be the last leg of day 7 which has been a very productive day in terms of distance covered on the tour, but very long thanks to the seven hour timezone change we have experienced. We are heading south to Yellowknife on the shores of the Great Slave Lake in the North West Territories of Canada. It is our first destination on the mainland of continental America and is a central location for the mining industry in the area.
Lined up at Resolute Bay with the windsock showing a crosswind of at least 20 knots. In fact, the ATIS was giving gusts of up to 30 knots!
Established in the cruise turning overhead Cambridge Bay.
As we head south the snowy landscape begins to clear.
Evidence on the ground of the warmer summer climate south of Cambridge Bay. We are beginning to experience some turbulence as the 65 knot headwind blows at us. Our groundspeed is only 230 knots!
We descend to 17,000 feet to escape the turbulence and cloud buildup. This gives us less of a headwind and a higher TAS which quickens our progress but at the expense of fuel burn.
Descending into Yellowknife as dusk begins to fall.
Turning downwind to runway 35.
About to intercept the localizer to runway 35 at Yellowknife over Great Slave Lake.
Final approach.
Taxi in past the busy terminal at Yellowknife.
Parking next to the famous Buffalo Airways hangar.
Parked at Yellowknife and unloading our bags for the night.
CYRB - CYZF stats
Take off time: 1556
Landing time: 1816
Flight time: 03:20 (-1 hour time difference)
Fuel used: 1433 kgs / 3153 lbs